I'm finally taking the time to give a brief rundown on our quiz year. It has been exciting, challenging, and much more. This was not only a first time for Life Tabernacle to have a quiz program, but also "The Isoms" first time to be over an actual quiz program. So with those two things in mind, we are extremely PROUD of how Life Tab performed in quizzing tournaments this year. Chris and I are proud of every single child that ever participated in learning the material, the Word of God! Let us also say we are SUPER PROUD of the parents, because without dedicated parents the children would not have stood a chance at learning that much of the Word of God. Our parents did an awesome job with their children at home, giving us much to work with during quiz practices. Once again THANK YOU parents! A big thanks goes out to all those who gave of your time to help during the quiz season, and helped in any way. Also, to those who supported this program through the "Partners in Quizzing" thank you very much for making it an easy year financially. Your giving allowed this program to function at it's fullest, THANK YOU! We also say thank you to Brother Holley for allowing my husband and I the opportunity to take on this challenge in coordinating a Quizzing program. I personally want to say THANK YOU to my husband for doing an incredible job through all of this. The team could not have succeeded as they did without you leading them as a coach. You were the leading force keeping it all together when I felt as if I couldn't juggle it all on my plate. Thank you for helping me to keep my focus and burden for the quiz program. We enjoyed the Quiz year and now we are going to enjoy our break!


I've been thinking about the service we had a few months ago where our Pastor had a few people talk about something they were going to give to God or for his kingdom in this year of 2009. We as a church were challenged to give something of ourselves above and beyond what we had been doing for the kingdom of God. My husband chose to talk about TIME & ENERGY, and wanted our goal as a family to give more of our time & energy to God in 2009.

I think of this and wonder, where is the time and energy? I feel so far this year that I have had less time and energy to do anything. My time seems to diminish so quickly and I seem to be so tired to many days out of the week.

My point of this is in the midst of our lives, when we decide to do more for God there is always a fight. The moment we voice dedication to God a battle begins! Then there comes a time when we must decide to fight like never before, or to ease out of the fight by continuing to do our normal walk with God. Of course it is always easier to just back away from the fight. Change is never easy no matter what it is, but when we fight CHANGE is guaranteed to happen. I know if I take this thought and fight by giving more of my time to God, then God will bless me with the energy to be an effective part of His Kingdom. I want there to be a love and overflowing joy in everything I do for God. If there was something you dedicated to give more of to God in 2009, then put forth a fight to see it happen. Let us do more for God, and let it all be for his Glory!


Well the previous post about our reduced debt may have been to much information shared. I just honestly didn't think much about it because we are so use to hearing Dave ask his people how much debt they have or how much debt they paid off and people tell their numbers. I have to say that if it were not for the blessing of a bonus last year there is no way we would have been able to make this kind of dent. Also, I guess we were just over excited about our debt reduction because we know how much we had and STILL have left. Anyway, sorry if this came accross in a wrong manner!


It has officially been one year since my husband and I went through the Dave Ramsey classes. We really enjoyed the classes, Dave's teachings, and listening to his show. However, not long after the classes ended the Dave excitement began to ware off as most things seem to. We lost our gazelle intensity and didn't snowball our debt as we probably could have. Even through losing the excitement we managed to make a HUGE dent in our debt along with some other pluses. We refinanced our house, saving 4% I believe in interest and only financed for 15 years. We had birthday parties, went to Branson and Family camp in Lufkin, and paid cash for Christmas. All of these Dave would have said NO to doing when you still have debt. We view these type things just a bit different. These areas of our life made memories in our minds and hearts to last a lifetime which was worth more to us than throwing a chunk of money on debt. Anyway, at the end of one year after going through Dave classes our numbers tell us that we reduced our debt by $21,029.75 and we had fun also. All you Dave Ramsey fans, DON'T GIVE UP! You can be debt FREE!!!


We finally mangaged to celebrate Colten's birthday!

It seemed as if I threw it all together, but it was still nice. A GREAT thanks to all who came because you are what made it special. With us living so far from family it seems as if we count on our church family so much to share these special moments. It is hard to believe he is two years old and doing some of the things he does. Of course I know he picks up fast with three older syblings. Colten you are special to us in your very own ways and we love you!


I'm sure you wondered what are the question marks for as a title for a post. Well that is just how my mind feels. I have wanted to make a post many times here lately but I can never seem to put any thoughts in order to type. So far this year things just seem a little strange for me. You know I thought after the Holidays there was suppose to be a calmness that comes over everyone. I still have not had that, lol! I'm the type of person who likes to have everything just so, and know what is going to happen next. For whatever reason, it's not happening like that for me so far this year. I really just feel like everything is scattered and nothing is in order as it should be. Who knows? God does! You know things like this in our everyday lives may seem like a small everyday happening, but we never know what is really going on. Maybe there is something about me that needs to change. Maybe God is pushing me to trust and lean on him more, instead of "Christina" thinking she has it all worked out all the time.

I can only say that all is well! Not a dull moment in the Isom house. I must say that I have so enjoyed the lessons about raising and training our children in Sunday School. I try to replay it all to my husband, and we can only try our best to apply in our parenting lives. It is a constant challenge to make the right decision at any given moment with our children.

Hope everyone has a blessed weekend! Looking forward to being in the house of the Lord Sunday, and expecting GREAT things, as always, from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


It is now 2009, WOW! Life already seems to be in high gear for this year, but that is okay when life involves Jesus Christ. I'm looking forward to things God will do this year in many of our lives and those we have been praying for. May you all be blessed in 2009, and draw closer to God in all that you do.

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