Now today marks the day for not having two four year old in the same house anymore. Ryan is 5 years old today!!!
You are a GREAT boy and we love you so much! You keep us on our toes with some things, but you always seem to make up for it with your heart felt worship and thankfulness for so many things. Thank you for reminding us daily to lift up Jesus and praise him, and keeping a spirit of Worship alive in our home. We are proud of you and everything you are accomplishing your first year of school, and with the Bible Quizzing. You are doing a GREAT JOB!!


We officially have two 4 year olds in the Isom house! Breann had her birthday on Friday November 7th and she is now 4 years old along with Ryan. Despite all the sickness that has gone around to everyone in our house I think Breann had a special day. We went to eat at Pizza Hut Friday evening, then came home and let her open her present from us, then we made cupcakes!
Breann you are a very special little girl to me and your daddy! You are just the girl we always wanted. You are beautiful in many ways and we LOVE you very much!




There have been post about the election and I'm sure numerous emotions and thoughts, so I figured I go a different route with my post. I will say though, God is in control and he is still on the throne, and when you think about that it is really just enough to make you want to shout in the midst of where America may stand or may not stand. We must keep our eyes on who really matters, God!

Okay, so now the small "kids will be kids" story! Tuesday I had bathed Breann and got her out. Then Ryan and Colten were next in the tub. So I left them in there a while, then went and got Colten out. Put the lotion on, the diaper, then the jamas! I put him down from my bed and he takes off. I get the things together and head down the hall to find Colten practically jumping in the tub with water still in the tub and his pajamas still on! It is like he already knew what he was going to do before I ever put him down from my bed. I was not very happy this time seeing how he did this a few weeks ago and I told him it was a no no. The problem that time was that I thought it was so funny I got a picture of him in the tub with his clothes on and laughed about it. So here he was doing it again. I did not laugh at the moment it happened this time, but I laugh now! Kids will be kids, and you never know what they are going to do or say!


It looks as if everyone went home from the Fun Fest and posted on their blog, so I thought I should just knock mine out too. Our internet has not been functioning properly for the last month so my online happenings have been limited. Sometimes I don't understand how life is really just so busy! About a month ago we made a trip to the park. It had been a long time since we had done this as a family. In the end while our three oldest were digging in the sand, Colten decided he would just keep putting some on his head! They had fun just being kids and getting dirty.

We just finished up our first nine weeks of school and had a Halloween/End of quarter party! It was just at the house, but the kids loved it! They iced cupcakes, made goody bags, hunted candy, ate pizza, and played pin the nose on the pumkin. They thought it was great!

Our Bible Quizzing is getting up and running. We have had our first two practices and the kids are picking up fast on what needs to be done. We are truly proud of all the kids who have learned any number of verses. No matter what the number is on the amount of scripture learned, it is just that much more of God's word that they had not known before they started quizzing. As for our own children, I must say it is going well with Ryan. Mom and Dad just have to keep reminding themselves that he is only 4(almost 5) and we can not expect the same thing out of him as Haiden. So believe me it is a challenge for us to be patient and understanding! Ryan does have 38 verses memorized though, and when I say 38 I mean he can quote them word for word without mistakes, he really knows them! Haiden is on about the 110th verse I think. So as usual he is moving right along. We are making him have all his material learned before the first tournament in January. Somedays we spend 2 hours reviewing verses, the Word of God, but one day it will be worth it all!

Our Fun Fest at the church was EXCELLENT tonight. Brother Todd, Sister Julie and all the helpers did a fantastic job and THANK YOU all for the FUN you made possible for our kids and our visitors. I have limited pictures of this fun night due to the breaking of my camera, OH NO!!! When I picked Colten up from his chair to put him down after he ate, his foot caught it and knocked it off the table. It has been a great camera for 4 years, and I had been wanting a new one anyway. The thing about it now is that I'm not sure how we can manage to buy the one I want before all these holidays get here. Oh well, this is just life, and life is GREAT!! Hope you all have a great weekend!


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