Now today marks the day for not having two four year old in the same house anymore. Ryan is 5 years old today!!!
You are a GREAT boy and we love you so much! You keep us on our toes with some things, but you always seem to make up for it with your heart felt worship and thankfulness for so many things. Thank you for reminding us daily to lift up Jesus and praise him, and keeping a spirit of Worship alive in our home. We are proud of you and everything you are accomplishing your first year of school, and with the Bible Quizzing. You are doing a GREAT JOB!!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RYAN!! I hope your day has been spectacular - just like YOU!!!!

    I love you!
    Sis. Holley

  2. Happy Birthday!!! You all have got to stop partying without me!!!! I hope you had the best birthday ever!!!

    Love You
    Sis. Mandy

  3. Happy Birthday, Ryan! You're so cute!!



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