Well after living in Wichita Falls for 2 years I guess we can now truly believe how the high winds can effect things. I know we have been told about the high winds but you know how things just don't really sink in with you until something happens in your backyard. After our church business meeting we had to do some things in Wichita and came home to Burk around ten to find electricity out, lots of people driving around and then our trampoline gone from our back yard. We just got this about a month ago and had not gotten around to anchoring it down somehow, so I guess this is what we get for procrastinating, lol! I'm just thankful it is not any worse. Our neighbors fence doesn't appear to be in too bad of condition and hopefully nothing in their yard was destroyed. Our fence only suffered very minor scratches so to speak. Haiden was upset seeing how he had saved his money and paid for more than half of this trampoline. Guess it was a lesson to him to find things to be thankful for even when something bad happens. We told him worse things could have happened so be thankful this is all it was.


  1. I am glad you took pictures this is just wild! oh by the way
    Curtis and Julie's poles go on a round trampoline.

  2. Awww I feel so badly for Haiden! I do hope and pray that the Lord will make a way for it to all be repaired quickly! Love ya'll and I am very thankful this is all that happened!

  3. I'm glad everything else is okay, but like Sis. Mandy, I feel so bad for Haiden! I'm sure he will be able to have another trampoline. Please let us know when he gets it, or if that one is repaired. Love ya'll!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your damage, but I'm glad everyone is safe. It's sad, but we do have these wind storms from time to time. I was born and raised here in Wichita Falls, and I can honestly say, you'll never know from day to day what the weather will be like! I do however, feel for Haiden.



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