Boys 1st Quiz Tournament

Well the boys had there first quiz tournament together for the year 2008 and they did their very best which turned out to be the best they have ever done in their 4 years of Bible Quizzing. The boys received 4th place out of twenty one different teams. They both played so well and knew their material back to back. They have had about three days of practicing together and that is it. So they learned their material over 300 miles away from each other and then took it to the tournament and put themselves together and pulled it off with a 4th place trophy. Austin received 1st place for All Tournament Team with a highest average per game. Great job boys! May the word of God which you boys have memorized for 4 years now be rooted deep in your hearts and help you in your walk with God the rest of you life.


  1. That is just INCREDIBLE! CONGRATULAIONS!!!!!! When was the tournament? I would love to see them quiz sometime.

  2. Thanks for your congrats Sis. Elms. The tournament was this past Fri & Sat in Dallas. This is why I missed Ashleys baby shower. We just didn't expect them to do this well because they just don't get any practice together, but they just did awesome. I think their maturity level maybe is a benefit for them this year. Haiden is understanding interrupting questions this year where in the previous years he has not gotten this. They let Haiden bring the big trophy back home with him to set with his other ones for a while, so he was glad about that! The next two closest tournaments will be in Mesquite and then in Hilsboro so maybe we will keep you posted on those and possibly ya'll could see them quiz. Love ya'll!

  3. Way to GO!!!! I am so proud of you guys! I know it's a lot of hard work and dedication on both yours and your parents parts!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

  4. Congrats to Haiden and to Austin! This is a great reward for all their hard work!

  5. That is Awesome!! What a blessing you are to your children. You must have a lot patience.

  6. Way to go Haiden and Austin. I am so proud and excited to hear all the great news.
    Chris & Christina -- keep up the great work and love you have for these children by feeding the WORD to these children.

    I love it!!



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