Merry Christmas

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Wanted to share some of our Christmas pictures. Every since I was a little girl my mom always took our picture in front of the tree every year at Christmas time and I have taken on that tradition as well. I really wanted to get Christmas cards made with the kids picture but it just seems that I have not been able to get everything done here lately and that I'm falling behind on stuff. Please forgive us for not passing out Christmas cards. Enjoy the pics and Merry Christmas again. Love everyone!


  1. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES! I will take a "late" one if you want to give me one. :) Ya'll have such a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing the "Christmas Pictures" with us. Love you!

  2. Your kids are just precious!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Great pictures! Your children are so wonderful! Did Haiden take the picture of you and Bro Chris?

  4. Thank you all for your sweet words!

    Sis. Elms I really hope to still get some Christmas cards or Happy New Years cards made so wish me luck there and I will be more than glad to get you one!

    Yes, Michelle Haiden usually takes our picture for us and does pretty well I must say. We have let Ryan and Breann try but the pictures are pretty humurous as you can imagine.

    We will be leaving after church in the morning to head to Jasper and will see everyone next Sunday.


  5. Have a Merry Christmas to you all!!! Y'all are some of my favorite people!!!



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