Songs from the Isom Children


  1. PRECIOUS! I love your children and these are great video's! Love you all and miss you!

  2. This was really cute! Ryan Just cracks me up! I think every bone in his body is serious when it comes to singing and preaching! I can't wait to see what God has in store for him, if Breann keeps hanging around with him she's gonna be leading the songs and he'll be preaching! Love ya'll and thanks for sharing! Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

  3. These are too cute! There is nothing more precious than kids singing songs praising the Lord!

  4. These are so cute...

    I have to laugh hysterically at Ryan and his finger in the air... that is soo what Bro. Lynn does when he leads songs.

    I remember one time, several years ago, when I was in the prayer room and a young child, no more than three or four, was walking back and forth praying harder than most adults in the room. I realized what a testament to a life behind closed doors her actions were.

    She didn't even know she was saying anything, but she was yelling her message loud and clear. Not that my opinion, or approval, means anything, but thanks for having such a godly home!

    Your children are wonderful. I enjoy working with Haiden and can't wait for the rest!



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