The Deciding Power of Desire

Well hello to everyone out there. I know it has been a while since anything has been posted on here. It just seems that there has not been time. The children are still not 100% better, but I think they are on their way. Well I woke up this morning thinking about this book I've been reading. I've read it before but a couple of weeks ago I felt like picking it up and reading it again. It is The Deciding Power of Desire by Rev. J.W. Arnold. I personally think this is a great book. It is actually four different sermons of his put into book form. I've only read the first sermon for now and will continue the rest of them soon. I will probably post some information from every different sermon. When I read the first sermon it was amazing how much in there was right along the same lines as what Bro. & Sis. Elms have been teaching in Sunday School. Rev. J.W. Arnold talks about the level of our desire. He runs through several examples of how when we all first got the Holy Ghost we were ready to do anything and everything for God. We desired to be in tune with God regardless of our surroundings. Oh how this seems to be so true, I know it is for me. Then things start happening in our lives and our desire seems to diminish, then this can cause complacency in our walk with God, and we all know this is not how God wants our walk to be. He comments that nothing can be accomplished without desire and desire is not enough by itself; it has to be followed by a decision and a determination. It takes action to achieve. Desire and hunger are the fuel that fires the soul to accomplish something. Oh, how true again! He talks about how God will meet us on the level of our desire. If we desire to see the things of God and seek after achieving this then that is where God will meet us. However, if our desire level is low then that is the level God will meet us. We won't see great and mighty things from God if we do not desire and hunger after them. If our desire level stops at just feeling a touch from God in service then that is pretty much all we will get. He talks about how we can go into a church service so many times with leaving on our mind, but how if we desire more we wont even be concerned about leaving. First we must have a desire and then we must seek to achieve it. When our desire level drops that is when we become so sidetracked with the cares of life. That is when we go through everyday routines feeling like God is no where near us. Oh the Sunday School lessons and this book are stirring something within me. I know I must put this all into action or it does absolutely no good. May God help us all to have a desire level that is far above anything else.

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24

posted by: Christina

Rejoice in Sickness

Well here I am sitting at home today with sick children while Haiden and Daddy have gone to church this morning. You know sometimes it seems just when you think everyone is getting better something else comes around. Ryan had just gotten over having a bad runny nose about 4 or 5 days ago and then Friday he had a virus, and Saturday he woke up with a bad runny nose again and has had fever since the virus. Breann missed Sunday School last week because she had fever and now yesterday she started running a temp again. Chris and I have had sore throats, aches and probably fever too, and somehow Haiden has managed to stay pretty well. Colten is still trying to get over a stuffy nose and cough, thank God he has not had any fever! All of this can be frustrating, but we seem to manage. Well with the Lord's help and healing power we will all get over this stuff and wont have to make any doctor's appointments, IN JESUS NAME! However, in the mean time today is a day the the Lord has made and we will rejoice in that. Thank you Jesus!

Haiden's 8th Birthday

Well today was Haiden's Birthday! He is now 8 years old. He reminded us that he has to mow the yard now that he is 8 because his daddy has always told him when he turned 8 he would have to help mow the yard. So when he reminded us of that his daddy told him he better do some growing between now and time to mow or it was gonna be hard work. Just picture little bitty Haiden pushing a lawn mower! A big thanks goes out to those who sent cards or gifts to him. He got a Cars cake and pizza for his birthday dinner. He had a wonderful day!

Just a Pic


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