There have been post about the election and I'm sure numerous emotions and thoughts, so I figured I go a different route with my post. I will say though, God is in control and he is still on the throne, and when you think about that it is really just enough to make you want to shout in the midst of where America may stand or may not stand. We must keep our eyes on who really matters, God!

Okay, so now the small "kids will be kids" story! Tuesday I had bathed Breann and got her out. Then Ryan and Colten were next in the tub. So I left them in there a while, then went and got Colten out. Put the lotion on, the diaper, then the jamas! I put him down from my bed and he takes off. I get the things together and head down the hall to find Colten practically jumping in the tub with water still in the tub and his pajamas still on! It is like he already knew what he was going to do before I ever put him down from my bed. I was not very happy this time seeing how he did this a few weeks ago and I told him it was a no no. The problem that time was that I thought it was so funny I got a picture of him in the tub with his clothes on and laughed about it. So here he was doing it again. I did not laugh at the moment it happened this time, but I laugh now! Kids will be kids, and you never know what they are going to do or say!


  1. Kids are soo funny. That is one of my problems I laugh then I can't get on to them.

  2. How cute! I remember Kory doing that one time, I took a picture too. It was funny.

  3. Colten is so adorable! He better not do it again though, this kinda thing is only funny a couple of times:)

  4. That's funny! thank you for sharing a smile today! Though it is frustrating at the moment it does make you laugh! Missed you and the little ones last night Love you!
