After camp meeting we headed to Jasper and spent a little time with our families before heading home. We were actually able to see all of our brothers and sisters this time, it doesn't always work out that way. This means there were lots of children around. On both sides of our families there seems to be quiet a few kids all around the same age so they always have fun. Just want to say thanks to our moms for keeping the two little ones while we were at camp. We enjoyed our visit! My oldest sister, Bridgett, called me tonight and read me a letter I wrote her when I was nine years old. It was hilarious! I got a good laugh tonight from that. It just made me wish I knew what I was thinking writing some of that stuff. It said something about a black cat going to court, and me nor my sister have any idea what that was about, LOL! Memories are wonderful!


  1. Family times are priceless! I'm glad y'all went and enjoyed yourselves.

    I'd love to know what "black cat went to court." LOL!!!

  2. I bet that letter was interesting! It's it funny how when we're kids we think things are so important, and now we don't even know what they are?

  3. I love it when we all get together all the kids have so much fun, and we adults have fun listening to what they come up with! I too would love to know more about the black cat???
