Ryan Singing & Preaching

This is what Ryan loves to do everyday. He likes to get a tie and black shoes (that are 2 sizes to big) on with whatever he is wearing and start singing or preaching. He does this with all that is within him as you can see. He pays very close attention to the preacher, service leaders, and choir directer and brings a little of each of these home with him every church service. On Easter Sunday his daddy was trying to button his suit jacket and he told his daddy that he did not want it buttoned. His daddy told him yes that it looked better that way and Ryan very quickly told his daddy, "Brother Elms don't button his jacket." Our children notice more than we think!


  1. Absolutely ADORABLE! I can't wait to show Bro. Elms! My Dad felt the presence of God for the FIRST TIME when him and his brother, along with a friend was playing church in a barn! Ed Bates, his little friend was the preacher, and Daddy and Uncle Dean were the audience. Daddy said he felt God's presence when Ed was preaching! Many years later....Ed Bates was a part of our church here in Wichita Falls!!! When Daddy came to visit they found each other again and it was a joyous meeting. Ed and Daddy have gone on to be with the Lord, but the stories live on. I always allowed my boys to "play church". God will touch them when they praise and worship Him, no matter where they are. Jesus Loves CHILDREN!

  2. Looks like you have a little preacher on your hands! He is adorable! I finally started my posts, my blog is Love ya!

  3. Bro. Elms said to tell Ryan to keep up that preaching and singing. He's going to be a soul winner one of these days. Bro. Elms LOVED the video's and also what Ryan said about his coat not being buttoned!! LOL!!

  4. Very cute! I love it when the kids play church!

  5. The videos are great! I can't wait until the moment I can video my children "playing" church. Thanks for sharing.

  6. They are all so cute, when i first listened i thought hmmm Ryan might just be a little singer, then i went on to think that maybe someday he'll be a little preacher,or both hes got it!!!

  7. This is so sweet. I remember when my sisters and I used to play church. Alyssa loves to sing church songs. Maybe these two should get together and have church.

  8. Cute cute cute!!! Oh my goodness We just got the biggest kick out of watching these little videos. Alayna Keeps saying I want to watch this one or that one again. Those are precious! I know they will grow even more dear with each passing year. I pray he continues to have these same desires all his life.

  9. These are too cute. I am glad you posted it!

  10. So Sweet!! It is so cute to watch him in church...

  11. I was watching this at work, with no sound and it was pretty funny even though I couldn't hear anything. He is so cute:)

  12. Kim, it is even funnier with sound. He is singing My God is Table and some other songs. Your husband is one of his heroes on the platform. He watches Bro. Lynn and tries to act like him when he plays like he is leading church service.

  13. That is toooo cute!! Thanks for posting it. :)

  14. Kassie, just thought I would tell you that you are one of his heroes as well. He watches very closely how you direct the choir and imitates it. Also, you are doing a GREAT job with the choir!

  15. I just came across your blog and thought this was just too cute! It brought back so many memories of my own children playing church and I myself "holding services" in our garage and inviting all of the neighborhood kids. The Holy Ghost did fall in that garage and some of the parents of the kids got upset! Your children are very sweet!
